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Order on

How to Place Your Order

Placing your first order

Checking out on is a breeze - whether you're looking to pick up your order in-store or have it shipped to your doorstep. We have a wide selection of wine, beer, spirits, and accessories available for purchase, and our team is always happy to help you select the perfect item for your needs. You can checkout as a guest or create an account - whichever is easiest for you. And if you have any questions, our knowledgeable customer service agents are just a phone call away at (636) 757-5734.

Finding items

You can search for the product or category you're looking for by using the search box located at the top of every webpage. Once you've entered what you're looking for, you can further filter the results by topics that are relevant to your search. The available filters will let you sort by country, type, varietal, rating source, ratings, and price. To get more information about a product, simply click on it, and you'll be redirected to the page with all the details.

Adding items to your shopping cart

If you want to add an item to your cart, simply click the "Add to Cart" button on the product list page or the product detail page. You can view your full cart details at any time by clicking on the cart icon in the top right corner of any page. To continue shopping and add more items to your cart, simply click on the "Continue Shopping" link or button on the page.

Items in a cart

When you add an item to your cart, it's not automatically reserved. So if you save your cart and come back to it later, the items may have changed based on their availability.

Proceed to checkout

You can complete your order by selecting "Check out" while viewing your cart. You'll be taken to the first page of our order form, where you can enter your information and complete the purchase.

Provide a method of payment

We accept payments via Paypal, American Express, MasterCard, and Visa. For credit card payments, we are only able to process cards linked to a U.S. billing address. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

Review and submit your order

Please double-check the accuracy of the information you have provided and make any necessary adjustments before moving on. When everything looks correct, click the "Place your order" button to submit. Once your order has been placed, you will receive a confirmation email from us.